Relieving Red Inflamed Gums Following Dental Work

Relieving Red Inflamed Gums Following Dental Work

Nov 30, 2017

When dental work is performed on or near the gums, there is a chance of the patient’s gums becoming red and irritated. This is a fairly common problem, and it can cause the gums to look unnatural and a bit strange. The gums can get puffy or swollen, and the gums can also change to a bright red color, which can result in gums that look very unhealthy.

In dental terms, this is known as Biological Width Invasion. A first instinct to help make the gums better is to try brushing or flossing the area, but these will unfortunately not improve the issue and can cause the gums to bleed. While the condition is painless, it can cause slight gum bleeding even when following proper oral hygiene.

Causes of Biological Width Invasion

Biological Width Invasion will often happen when a dental restoration is done too deeply such as a deep cavity, or if the cavity filled dips below the gum line. The body wants to reposition the tooth that has been affected by a dental procedure, causing a constant state of unrest that cannot be resolved unless something is done to the gum and/or the bone above or below the gum.

Dental Treatments to Relieve Gum Irritation

A common procedure performed to heal the gums is called crown lengthening. The bone, and usually the gums as well, is repositioned a little further from the dental restoration. This creates a normal relationship between the two. It will resolve the unhealthy inflammation and appearance and lead to better oral health. If you are unsure if you may have Biological Width Invasion, don’t take a chance and give our Calgary office a call today!

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