When particles from food and other substances stay in a person’s mouth, it decays and turns into bacteria that slowly eats the tooth and seeps in, causing damage to the root canal. Root canal treatments in Calgary can help a person to get rid of these bacteria.
Root canal treatment helps to save a tooth from being destroyed by the bacteria that are eating the tooth. It also saves other teeth around the infected tooth. In the sense that when a bacteria eats well into one tooth, it begins to spread to another tooth. If you have bacteria in your root canal, find a dentist near you or visit a root canal dentist in Calgary to have the bacteria removed. After the removal of the bacteria, a dentist in Calgary, SW will clean and sanitize the tooth to completely neutralize any bacteria that might be hiding. When this is done, the tooth is filled and sealed. This will ensure that bacteria do not eat into the teeth again. From this, it is apparent that root canal treatments are designed to save your natural tooth.
The number of people who receive root canal treatment each year is over a million. So, if you have a damaged or infected tooth, you should not be hesitant when your dentist recommends a root canal treatment for you. The treatment will help you regain a healthy tooth and also relieve the pain that is associated with having bacteria in your root canal.
For easier understanding, a root canal treatment can be likened to a dental filling. Depending on the condition of your teeth or the affected tooth, you can complete a root canal treatment in one or two dental appointments. However, it is important to know that root canal treatments have proven to be effective and painless. This means that you do not have to stay away from some activities after removing bacteria from your tooth and filling it.
Every day, dentists administer root canal treatments to different patients although it is a serious procedure. This means that it does not require much time to complete. After the treatment, one can continue chewing like before and the feeling will remain the same. You also do not need to apply less force when chewing. The other teeth are also in danger when one tooth is under bacteria attack. This means that a root canal treatment that saves one tooth has indirectly saved the rest of the teeth. Lastly, root canal treatments do not change a person’s appearance.
There are different reasons why a person will be asked to do a root canal treatment. If the person has suffered a deep cavity or there are issues from a filling that was done in the past, a root canal will be recommended. A cracked tooth or genetics can also require root canal treatment. Sometimes, you might notice that your teeth become sensitive to heat or cold. In these times, you will also need a root canal treatment. There are certain signs that a person needs to watch out for to know when they need to see an endodontist. If you have a cracked tooth or you are experiencing pain while chewing, you need to visit a dentist for examination. The gums can also be a pointer to indicate that you need to see your dentist. If you have pimples on your gums, or dark gums, or swollen gums, you might need to root canal treatment.
Root canals are just as painful as any other dental procedure like filling or tooth removal. However, before the procedure, patients are given anesthesia to numb pain during the procedure. After the treatment, a person will experience pain for a few days. In these few days, a person can still go about their normal daily activity but it is advised that people should not eat until the numbness is gone. The complexity of an issue will determine the cost of the treatment. However, you can use your dental insurance to cover some or all of the cost of your root canal treatment.